New world. New skills.

Everyone should be able to live, learn, work and participate in the digital world

Our jobs are changing, and fast. Many roles are disappearing altogether, while new ones are springing up. The discrepancy between the skills people have and those needed for jobs in the digital world is one of the most critical problems of our time.

The need to upskill is a complex problem that will require decision-makers — educators, national, regional and local government administrators and business leaders — to come together.

Over the next four year we are upskilling each of our 276,000 people, and are investing $3bn in upskilling – primarily training our people, and also developing technologies to support our clients and the community. Together we can grow tomorrow’s workers today. In the process, we’ll make the world a more resilient, more capable and more inclusive place.

Upskilling is more than just providing access to training.

A call to action.

Is technology a force for good or harm? What’s clear is that we are at a critical juncture: our new world urgently needs new skills, and everyone must have the opportunity to get them.

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How do people in China view the impact of technology on their jobs?

Change is coming

  • Most Chinese see technology as presenting more opportunity than risk.
  • Workers know automation will change their jobs and want to learn new skills to improve their employability.
  • Even though the views on the impact of technology on future job prospects are largely positive, a vast majority believe their jobs could become obsolete or change significantly.

Digital skills are key

  • Change is never easy, but taking the time to better understand the use of technology will be critical in moving forward in the digital world.
  • Employers are helping to meet the demands of workers. 97% say their employer is giving them the opportunity to improve their digital skills.
  • Reskilling is already on the agenda for almost all Chinese adults (96%).
  • Four in five (82%) are learning new skills independently. However, this falls to 17% for those that fall between the 18-24 age range. While, 25% are learning new skills through their employer.

Ready to upskill

  • Most Chinese adults (70%) are optimistic about the future impact of technology on their work and believe it presents more opportunity than risk.
  • Over three quarters (78%) of workers feel well equipped in using new technologies. However, workers in rural areas are generally less trained (54%).


Does the impact of technology excite or worry you? Are you ready to learn new skills? Compare yourself against 22,000 people around the world


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How to start upskilling

The digital revolution requires a skills revolution. The skills revolution is about helping people build their digital awareness, understanding and skills to fully participate in the digital world — and it needs to start now. 

At PwC, we are working with other organisations across the world, building on our work with clients and on upskilling our 276,000 people. Still, more must be done if we are to ensure everyone has the opportunity to learn, work and participate in the digital world. This is at the heart of our purpose.

Insights on upskilling

We’ve pulled together research and insights to guide your decision-making on how to upskill. 



Contact us

Jim Woods

Jim Woods

Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 2316

Johnny Yu

Johnny Yu

Workforce Advisory Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 2685

Edmund Lee

Edmund Lee

Hong Kong Consulting Leader, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 2714

Vivi Xu

Vivi Xu

Associate Director, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 3751

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